Scott D. Lumry
Raised in the San Francisco Peninsula of the 1960's I spent much of my youthful free time at the ports of Redwood City fishing and helping the craftsmen work on building their ships in the drydocks.
In my teens the car bug bit me and between a love for the older Stephens yachts and Hudson automobiles I have spent countless hours enjoying both.
Over time my travels and experiences have become invaluable resources of information for my tales about my alter ego Craig"Kaz" Kazynski and his crew, who in reality are all close friends. A big thank you to Phil Miller , for whom without his suggestion to get the guys back together to crew a yacht I was considering buying back in Maryland some fifteen years ago to bring out to the Sacramento Delta to live on, these tales would never have come to life. I truly hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.